Probiotic foods and supplements are among the fastest growing sectors in the health food marketplace, thanks to an explosion of popular and scientific interest in the "microbiome." It's clear that the bacteria that live in and on our bodies have an enormous impact on our health--one that we are only just beginning to explore. ...Read More
Ann writes: "I loved your 300th episode about what has changed in your diet over the past six years. You mentioned that you have reduced your consumption of grain-based foods. What I'd love to hear more about is what foods you have increased. ...Read More
Subscribing to the Nutrition Diva podcast is the easiest way to stay up to date with my weekly audio tips. If you like to listen to podcasts on the go, you can subscribe today on your favorite device with apps such as iTunes Podcasts, Stitcher, or Soundcloud.
Have a great day and eat something good for me!
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Beginning from when I was a young boy, I can recall many adventurous visits to my friend Bryan’s house, where we would do boy things like jump in the creek, fish, hang from rope swings, climb cliffs, look for snakes and animals, start tiny fires, and…
…jump for hours on a trampoline until we were completely covered in sweat and our muscles were done! ...Read More
If you’ve lost a lot of weight recently, or you’ve been following the tips you’ve read from the Get-Fit Guy, such as "Which Workout Burns The Most Fat?" or "How to Tone and Lose Fat in One Body Part," then you may have noticed that you have a bit of loose skin hanging around. From extra skin under the arms to a hanging pouch around the stomach, loose skin can pose an embarrassing problem, especially if weight loss has been achieved rapidly. ...Read More
Subscribing to the Get-Fit Guy podcast is the easiest way to stay up to date with my weekly audio tips. If you like to listen to podcasts on the go, you can subscribe today on your favorite device with apps such as iTunes Podcasts, Stitcher, or Soundcloud.
Have a great day and stay fit!
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Chicken Parmesan Grilled Cheese November 5, 2016 | Chungah Rhee
Chicken Parmesan Grilled Cheese - Chicken breasts breaded/fried, smothered with tomato sauce and covered with mozzarella - all neatly in a cheesy sandwich!!