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Saturday, 27 August 2016

What Causes Brain Fog?

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Nutrition Diva
This Week on Nutrition Diva
30-Day Nutrition Upgrade Starting Sept. 6th!

If you're trying to eat healthier but need some extra support and motivation, this fun group challenge is for you! No dieting or forbidden foods...just a sane and sustainable approach to healthier habits. The next group starts on September 6th, so there's only a few days left to sign up

Details here!

08/09/2016 9:05pm
What Causes Brain Fog?

I have gotten a handful of questions lately from listeners wanting to know whether a certain diet or supplement will help with "brain fog." Each of the people that wrote to me had come across a blog or a YouTube video or podcast that described a product or dietary regimen that was supposed to treat brain fog. Interestingly, each offered a completely different solution for the same problem.

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08/16/2016 9:05pm
Should You Count Net Carbs Instead of Total Carbs?

Debbie writes:

"Can you talk about the concept of "net carbs"? I see this listed on the front of the package for some foods. It seems to be the total carbs minus the fiber. Is there any benefit to thinking of carbs this way? It seems it could be confusing to Type 1 diabetics who are instructed to dose their insulin based on total meal

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08/23/2016 9:05pm
Now Available in the QDT Store

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Nutrition Diva's Secrets for a Healthy Diet
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Nutrition Zombies: 10 Nutrition Myths That Refuse to Die
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How to Win at Losing: 10 Diet Myths That Keep You From Succeeding
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Subscribing to the Nutrition Diva podcast is the easiest way to stay up to date with my weekly audio tips. If you like to listen to podcasts on the go, you can subscribe today on your favorite device with apps such as iTunes Podcasts, Stitcher, or Soundcloud.
Have a great day and eat something good for me!
Monica Reinagel
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{New Post!} Peach Bacon Brie Grilled Cheese

Peach Bacon Brie Grilled Cheese
August 27, 2016 | Chungah Rhee


Peach Bacon Brie Grilled Cheese - Fresh peaches, peach preserves, crisp bacon and ooey gooey melted brie sandwiches made right in the waffle maker! SO EASY!




Copyright © 2013 Damn Delicious, All rights reserved.

Will Too Much Sleep Make You Fat?

Check out the Get-Fit Guy newsletter!
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This Week on Get-Fit Guy
Will Too Much Sleep Make You Fat?

In last week’s post , you learned exactly how not getting enough sleep (less than about seven hours per night), can cause fat gain, muscle loss and an inability to control the appetite, along with increased risk for a host of chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity. ...Read More

08/22/2016 9:35pm
How Does Sleep Affect Weight Loss?

It’s no secret that not sleeping enough, considered to be less than seven hours of sleep per night, can cause weight gain, even if you’re on a weight loss diet.

For example, in research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine , dieters were put on different sleep schedules comprised of adequate sleep (7+ hours per night) and not quite enough sleep (less than 7 hours per night).

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08/15/2016 9:05pm
Now Available in the QDT Store

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Get-Fit Guy's Guide to Achieving Your Ideal Body
by Ben Greenfield

Buy now on Amazon or B&N.
Learn more.
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Nutrition Diva's Secrets for a Healthy Diet
by Monica Reinagel

Buy now on Amazon or B&N.
Learn more.

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How to Win at Losing: 10 Diet Myths That Keep You From Succeeding
by Monica Reinagel

Buy now on Amazon or B&N.
Learn more.
Subscribe to the Get-Fit Guy Podcast

Subscribing to the Get-Fit Guy podcast is the easiest way to stay up to date with my weekly audio tips. If you like to listen to podcasts on the go, you can subscribe today on your favorite device with apps such as iTunes Podcasts, Stitcher, or Soundcloud.
Have a great day and stay fit!
Ben Greenfield
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