Ways to Support Garden Birds in Times of Drought Plants aren't the only beings that suffer in prolonged drought; garden birds can feel the pinch of low water, too. Here are ways to help songbirds through dry times, beyond the usual birdbath. | | |
Assess and Improve Your Shade Garden Chances are your shade garden doesn't look quite as colorful and lively as it did in spring, when early-blooming bulbs and perennials took advantage of the sun beaming through still-leafless trees. To get your late-summer shade garden up to snuff, look to the advice and plant recommendations in our download on Shade Gardening, presented for free in partnership with PlantersPlace.com.
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Making Sense of Garden Do's and Don't's Ask a gardening question of several different sources and you may receive several different answers that all conflict. Make sense of your options, and weed out the just-plain-wrong methods and ideas, with Decoding Gardening Advice by Jeff Gillman and Meleah Maynard. This book tells you not just what to do (and not do), but it also explains why. | | |