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Tuesday, 24 May 2016

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Do Your Readers a Favor: Cut ‘It’ Out

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Grammar Girl: Tips for Better Writing
The Grammar Girl Week in Review
Do Your Readers a Favor: Cut ‘It’ Out

Want a timeless, painless tip that quickly helps you clarify your writing? Look for it.

What William Cobbett said two centuries ago still rings true:


“The word it is the greatest troubler that I know of in language. It is so small, and so convenient, that few are careful enough in using it. Writers seldom spare this word. Whenever they are ...Read More
05/19/2016 7:12pm
Why Is It Called Commencement?

Last week a professor in my department asked me why we call a graduation ceremony “commencement” when the event marks the end of college. “To commence” means “to begin,” not end, so it seems like an odd name for the ceremony.

I thought that was a great question, and I didn’t have an answer, so I did some research ...Read More

05/19/2016 5:12pm

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Mignon Fogarty
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Dashboard Course Closing May 26, 2016

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May 24 2016
Hello How

Just a quick reminder that the awesome Excel Dashboard Course, by Mynda Treacy will be closing on Thursday May 26, 8pm in Los Angeles, to be exact.

Learn how to make interactive Excel Dashboards like the one below which is based on Olympics data spanning 1896 to 2012. Actually it's 3 dashboards in one file with tabs (like a browser) to allow you to navigate between them!

Free Excel Dashboard Webinars

If you're not sure what a dashboard is or how these skills might be relevant to you, then you can catch a replay of one or both of Mynda's FREE Excel Dashboard Webinars here.
Here's what Ben said about Mynda's webinar:

"I consider myself quite good at Excel, but your mastery of it leaves me in the ashes. The Dashboard presentation was dazzling.   Thank you" 

 Webinar 1 - Excel Dashboard for Excel 2007/2010/2013/2016
The first webinar will teach you how to use Excel to build this interactive dashboard below, no additional software or add-ins required, just plain old Excel and some data.
Webinar 2 - Excel Dashboard for Excel 2010/2013/2016 using Power Query and Power Pivot

If you have Excel 2010, 2013 or 2016* then this webinar will showcase how you can use Excel's Power Query tool to get data from multiple sources, mash it up with Power Pivot, analyse it in PivotTables to create this interactive Excel Dashboard.

* Power Query is available with the desktop version of Excel 2010/2013/2016, or Office 365 ProPlus. Power Pivot is available with the desktop version of Excel 2010 or Excel 2013/2016 Office Professional Plus, Office 365 ProPlus, or in the standalone editions of Excel 2013/2016.

What members are saying about the course:

Mynda continues to receive amazing feedback from people who have joined the course, including these ones:

"Mynda, I love this course. I am beginning the second time through the videos. Thank you for creating an excellent dashboard course. I've learned so much and I'm sure that watching again will allow me to ingrain more of the techniques into my brain. I've posted my first dashboard to our intranet using the OneDrive method that you sent to us.   Your detailed explanation of many the formulae has really helped me. I was having difficulty grasping the concept of INDEX/MATCH until you explained it so clearly.   I'm actually looking forward to reviewing these videos many times.   Thank you,   Mike"

And perhaps the feedback all Excel teachers' want to hear:

"Recently, I have done a very simple dashboard for my commercial director about the sales in retail chains. I made some interactive controls stuff like scroll bar and option buttons in it. In reality, it`s quite impossible to impress him by something. But when he saw the dashboard he immediately started using it and became very happy.   Eventually, he even let me go from work after lunch on that day, so I was able to come to the country side and spent a great time there.   Dmitry"

Who is the course for?
If your work requires preparation of reports in Excel (or you'd like it to) then this course is for you.

Mynda teaches you some simple rules (that most people don't know), which you can use in all of your Excel work that will get your job done more quickly and efficiently (like Dmitry), and of course she'll teach you how to make killer dashboards including animated charts and other cool interactive elements.

Click here for more information and a sample video from the course (it's worth watching just to learn this tip).

Loads of people have already enrolled in this class and are on their way to making some killer dashboards.

If you're ready to take your Excel skills to the next level so you can impress your clients, get that promotion, or new job, or you'd just like to get your work done more quickly so you can go home early like Dmitry :-), then click here.

If you still do not think the course is for you then feel free to download my FREE CHARTING TIPS EBOOK for 30 Excel Charting Tips as you are a valued How To Excel At Excel Newsletter Subscriber.

Keep Excelling!!


Disclosure: I make a small commission for students who join Mynda's course, but as you know I don't just recommend anything and everything. It has to be of outstanding quality and value, and something I can genuinely recommend. After all, if doesn't live up to what I've promised you'll think poorly of me too and I don't want that.
The How To Excel At Excel Newsletter Is Available To Subscribers Only. 

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Barbara (at) howtoexcelatexcel (dot) com
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