| Here is a listing of some of the new searches we are currently working on. Click on the title of the job to be taken to a full description and to apply. Key Clients: - One of the world's largest publicly traded mineral producers.
- Global leader in their industry who has MORE THAN DOUBLED their gross revenue in the last 6 years.
- 6 years in which employee bonuses were paid out in excess of target.
New Jobs: Process Control Engineer - DCS Automation and Controls Engineer Electrical Engineer Maintenance Manager Didn't see a job listed that you have an interest in? Not all of our searches will be listed. We recommend that you submit your resume via our profile page and we'll contact you when an applicable role comes up. Search for jobs by category, location, title, or company at our Search Jobs page. Career Development Article: The Strategic Case for Changing Jobs: Four Good Reasons to Change Jobs Within the Same Industry Three Times During Your First Ten Years of Employment There are many deeply personal reasons to change your employment situation. However, from a purely strategic point of view, there are four good reasons to change jobs within the same (or similar) industry three times during your first ten years of employment: Reason #1: Changing jobs gives you a broader base of experience: After about three years, you've learned most of what you're going to know about how to do your job. Click here to continue reading this article. | | Our Focus - Manufacturing
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