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10 Tips for Talking to Kids About Sex

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Money Girl: Tips for a Richer Life
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10 Tips for Talking to Kids About Sex

When it comes to talking to kids about sex, it can be tempting to point out a shiny object and make a run for it. So before you tell your kid a period is punctuation at the end of a sentence, here are ten ways to talk to kids about sex. You won’t even be tempted to say, “Go ask Siri.” ...Read More

08/19/2016 3:05am
5 Psychological Studies to Reboot Your Summer

It’s August. With fall around the corner, you may feel pressured to make the most of the next four weeks. Here are five ways to ensure your answer to, “What have you been up to this summer?” won’t be lame or involve heavy doses of fictionalized enhancements.

Tip #1: Put your money towards experiences, not things.

...Read More
08/12/2016 3:05am
How to Avoid the Overparenting Trap: An Interview with Julie Lythcott-Haims

Below are some highlights from the Savvy Psychologist interview with Julie Lythcott-Haims. Listen to the full interview using the red player on the right hand side of this page, or find the show on iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify!

Q: In your book, you covered this phenomenon of parents increasingly “being there” for their kids, which sounds supportive and harmless, but, taken to extremes, can become something else entirely....Read More

08/05/2016 3:05am
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Subscribing to the Savvy Psychologist podcast is the easiest way to stay up to date with my weekly audio tips. If you like to listen to podcasts on the go, you can subscribe today on your favorite device with apps such as iTunes Podcasts, Stitcher, and SoundCloud.
Be happy, be healthy, and be yourself!
Monica Reinagel
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Money Girl's Smart Moves to Grow Rich by Laura D. Adams
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Smart Talk by Lisa Marshall
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9 Steps to Work Less and Do More by Stever Robbins
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Can Animals Feel Empathy?

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Everyday Einstein
What's New on Everyday Einstein?
Can Animals Feel Empathy?

I had the opportunity to chat with Dr. Carl Safina, an author who has won many awards including an Orion Award and a MacArthur genius Prize. He is also an endowed professor at Stony Brook University where he serves as the co-chair for the steering committee of the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science, something we’re pretty big on at Everyday Einstein. ...Read More

08/16/2016 1:39am
How Do the Strongest, Fastest Animals Compare to Olympians?

Fastest Animal on Land

The cheetah holds claim to the fastest speed recorded for an animal on land. Scientists tracking the running speeds of cheetahs in Botswana (what a cool job that would be!) have clocked speeds as high as 25.9 meters per second (about 58 miles per hour or 93 kilometers per hour)...Read More

08/09/2016 1:04am
Why Do Some Olympic Records Get Broken?

The 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio have just ended. But a few weeks ago, you may have been wondering: How many of those medals are likely to be new Olympic or even World Records, and how many records are expected to remain untouched? ...Read More

08/02/2016 12:39am
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