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Friday, 10 April 2015

How to clean the dirty stains from Shirts Collar & Cuffs in Washing Machine

How to clean the dirty stains from Shirts Collar & Cuffs

We all know how tough it is to clean shirts collar and cuff mostly while washing in machine, no matter what detergent you use the stains in collar and cuffs are impossible to remove.

Now no more worries, I have the perfect time tested solution for cleaning shirts collar and cuff cheaply easy and fast.

1. Liquid Soap [Liquid Soap that is used to clean woolen clothes]

2.  Empty 200ml bottle.

Steps to follow:

Firstly prepare the solution - Get an empty 200ml bottle, now make a hole in the center of the lid, to make a hole in the center take a safety pin and a candle, now light the candle and heat the pointy end of the pin and pierce it through the center of the lid.

Okay now we are ready, 

Now fill half bottle with water and other half with liquid detergent, and put the lid back on and mix it well do not worry about the foam it will reside with time. Make sure to tap the hole in the lid with your finger to avoid spilling on your floor.

So far we have made the detergent mix.

Now every time before you put shirts in the washing machine, apply the solution using the hole on the lid to spray directly on the collar stains and stains on cuffs and put the shirt in your same way you use to do it, and put the same quantity of detergent as you use to do it.

After cleaning just see the result.

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