How to clean your Soiled Car Fast & Easy
1. Car
2. Soft Towel

3. 1 Rupee Sachet Hair Shampoo
4. 20 ltrs Bucket & Mug
Steps to Follow:
First of all get your car out on road or backyard, atleast make sure that all side of your car is accessible. Now fetch a bucket of water, and soak the towel in water and without squeezing out the water from the towel gently rub the car surface all way through, this process takes around 5 minutes to 10 minutes depending on your car size. Now clean the dirty towel in the remaining water and now squeeze the towel well.
So the first step is complete, Now Second Step, fetch half bucket of clean water and mix the shampoo mix in it and stir it till the shampoo is dissolved. Once you see the shampoo has been dissolved and you feel that the water is slightly slippery which means that the water and shampoo mix is perfect,
P.S. make sure that you do not add too much of shampoo.
Okay, so you are almost done with your second step now just like the first step dip the towel in water and shampoo mix and gently rub the car surface all around.
Good Job you are almost done with your car cleaning job and you are already seeing good result, now for the last step and you will really be happy with your work.
Last step is to give the car its shine now get another half bucket of fresh water and dip the towel in water and this time make sure to squeeze out the water and gently rub the surface of the car in a with gentle clockwise hand movement,
P.S. Clock wise hand movements is important to give the car its shine.
Once you done rubbing your car all the way, now its time to fire up the engine and make the engine roar for atleast a minute to make sure that any water left in the machinery part gets vaporized so no rusting happens.
Now you have a Clean & Shiny car to show off.
Thank you for reading through this article, and best of luck for your car.